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Bridging the Gender Gap: Empowering Women in SHIB Metaverse

  • The Metaverse is gaining a market capitalization of over $1 trillion, making it a reality.
  • SHIB Metaverse is a decentralized virtual world built on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • The virtual world is designed to empower women by providing a safe and inclusive space for them to connect, create, and grow.
  • Women face several challenges in the blockchain industry, such as lack of representation, gender-based harassment, and lack of access to resources.
  • SHIB Metaverse aims to bridge the gender gap by increasing representation, creating safe spaces, and providing access to resources.
  • Visit MetaEnvo to learn more about the latest happenings of the Metaverse.

The world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has witnessed a rapid rise in popularity over the past few years, with the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies exceeding $1.21 Trillion by March 2023. As blockchain technology evolves and expands into new areas, the potential for innovative use cases grows.

One such use case is the development of the metaverse, a virtual world where people can interact with each other and with virtual objects. Metaverse allows for limitless possibilities, including creating a new economy that could transform how people work, earn, and spend.

However, despite the potential of the metaverse to offer opportunities for all, gender disparities in the technology industry remain. Women remain underrepresented in the industry and often face numerous challenges, such as wage gaps and lack of access to venture capital. Therefore, empowering women in the metaverse space ensures everyone benefits from the potential opportunities.

This article explores how SHIB Metaverse is empowering women. Additionally, We examine the challenges women face in the metaverse, the potential benefits of empowering women, and strategies to bridge the gender gap in the SHIB metaverse.

What is SHIB Metaverse?

Virtual reality is a field that has long been dominated by men, leaving women feeling isolated and unsupported. But Marcie Jastrow and Sherri Cuono, the owner of SHIB Metaverse, are changing that narrative. Her vision for SHIB Metaverse is rooted in empowering women, and she is committed to providing a safe and inclusive space where they can connect, create, and grow.

SHIB Metaverse is a decentralized virtual world built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to create, own, and trade digital assets using cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Community-driven development is at the heart of SHIB Metaverse, with the platform actively encouraging users to create new applications and virtual experiences. A range of resources is available to developers, including software development kits (SDKs), tutorials, and comprehensive documentation.

With a diverse ecosystem of virtual assets, from virtual real estate to collectibles and artwork, the SHIB Metaverse platform is full of unique and exciting features, often created by independent developers and artists.

The Challenges Facing Women in the Blockchain Industry

Like many other emerging industries, blockchain is not immune to gender disparities. Women face several challenges in the metaverse, including:

Lack of representation

Women are underrepresented in the metaverse, with most developers and users being men. According to a 2021 report by Deloitte, women make up only 14% of the blockchain workforce. This underrepresentation can lead to a lack of women’s perspectives and experiences being incorporated into the metaverse, resulting in products and services that do not cater to the needs and preferences of women.

Gender-based harassment

Women are more likely to experience online harassment than men, and the metaverse is no exception. A survey by the Anti-Defamation League found that over two-thirds of women who play online games have experienced harassment. Female gamers and developers often face gender-based harassment, including sexual harassment, which can discourage them from participating in the metaverse.

Lack of access to resources

Women often face challenges accessing resources such as capital, mentorship, and networking opportunities in the technology industry. Study Reveals a Meager 4.13% of Leading Crypto Companies Were Founded by Women in December 2021. This lack of access can limit women’s ability to participate fully in the metaverse.

The Potential Benefits of Empowering Women in the SHIB Metaverse

Empowering women in the SHIB metaverse can lead to several benefits, including:


Empowering women in the SHIB metaverse can lead to increased innovation, as their unique perspectives and experiences can inspire new ideas and approaches to solving problems.

Increased diversity

By empowering women in the SHIB metaverse, the industry can become more diverse, resulting in products and services that better cater to the needs and preferences of all users.

Economic growth

Empowering women in the SHIB metaverse can lead to increased economic growth. Women’s participation can lead to the creation of new products and services and the development of new markets.

Strategies to Bridge the Gender Gap in the SHIB Metaverse

Here is how SHIB Metaverse is bridging the gender gap:

Increase representation

Efforts should be made to increase women’s representation in the SHIB metaverse. Creating women’s groups and forums, recruiting and retaining women developers and users, and showcasing women’s contributions to the industry can contribute to this objective.

Create safe spaces

Creating safe spaces in the SHIB metaverse can help address gender-based harassment. Creating codes of conduct, implementing reporting mechanisms, and providing training on creating and maintaining inclusive spaces can make this happen.

Provide resources

Providing women with access to resources such as capital, mentorship, and networking opportunities can help address the lack of access to resources that women often face in the SHIB metaverse. For instance, the SHIB metaverse can set up mentorship programs that match women with experienced mentors who can guide and support their career development.

Additionally, the SHIB metaverse can establish networking events specifically for women, allowing them to connect with other women in the industry and build relationships that can lead to future opportunities.

Support education and training

Supporting education and training for women in the SHIB metaverse can help build the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the industry. It can achieve this goal by providing access to online training programs, workshops, and conferences on blockchain and metaverse technology. SHIB metaverse can collaborate with educational institutions to develop specialized courses and blockchain and metaverse technology degree programs.

Foster an inclusive culture

Fostering an inclusive culture within the SHIB metaverse can help create an environment that welcomes and supports women. Promoting diversity and inclusion in hiring and promotion practices, implementing flexible work arrangements, and ensuring that all employees and users are treated relatively can help achieve this goal.


Bridging the gender gap in the SHIB metaverse is crucial to ensure that the benefits of this emerging industry are accessible to everyone. Currently, women face many challenges, including the pay gap, harassment, and unequal opportunities. However, visionaries like Marcie Jastrow and Sherri Cuono aim to empower women, which would help women get equal opportunities in the SHIB metaverse.

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